The kinetic sculpture Startracker was born out of a fascination with the mirrored sphere (aka Disco Ball). The resulting work oscillates between the physical presence of the enigmatic "star tracking" machine and the phenomenological projections of a collection of mirrors on and from an object onto the space based on its formal and functional logic. The resulting work is an experiential spectacle.
" Binary elliptical galaxies chasing each other around a room." _Lee Goreas.
It is a site specific work, meaning in this case, a work that was not created for a specific site but, a work that at once changes and adapts to the space it occupies.
Earlier experiments with applying mirrored squares in similar trajectories resulted in HIVE (2004), where many smaller mirrored squares were applied to a wasp’s hive. It’s result which was also a mimicry of the compound eye with the implied question of “why does the ocular structure of this creature in turn reflect its architecture?”